The appointments

When you come to Dimpna, make sure you are cared for in a manner that satisfies your needs, with the comfort that you expect. We are a small team devoted to diagnosis, investigation and treatment in the general field of child and adult Neurology. For many years our name was Clinical Neurology Unit. We are […]

Home Care

We offer home care to patients in the greater Curitiba region, with experienced nursing, medical and other technical personnel, as well as consultation further away. We were the pioneers for establishing neurological home care in several Brazilian regions, some 3000 km away, where we had and still have complex patients. We are prepared for people […]

Electroencephalography – Brain Mapping – Sleep Studies

These are the techniques included in the speacialty of Clinical Neurophysiology. The EEG is indicated classically in the evaluation of patients with epilepsy. Dimpna – Unidade de Neurologia Clínica introduced most of the techniques of digital video-electroencephalography, including digital electrocorticography, in Brazil and the developing world, in the early 1990s. We have the longest experience […]


canabinoides e canabidiol

At Dimpna we care for the well being of all patients. Presently we work from 08h00 to 18h00 daily, Monday to Friday. When we are closed patients should look for care at hospitals where their health systems indicates. Patients under the care of the clinic physicians have full access.

Physical Therapy

Dimpna provides specialized physical therapy in the neurological and rehabilitation area in 50-minute sessions in the clinic or where the patients may be, their home, hospital, other clinics, homes or hotels. For patients with therapists in other towns, we may provide online supervision. Our team uses various techniques, including Zhen Shiatsu, Lian Gong and the […]

Immune therapy

Thirty years ago this area of medicine was restricted to steroids and anti-inflammatory non-steroids, used essentially for rheumatic diseases as rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythemathosus, or ankylosing spondilitis. In the late 70s, in a very few hospitals in the UK, Scandinavia and in the USA, there were medical advances in two different directions. Firstly, the […]

Transplant-related procedures

esclerose múltipla pediátrica

DIMPNA has carried out over 100 procedures of mobilization of autologous hematologic stem cells Fo the therapy of immune inflamatory diseases, first as na isolated case in 1997 published in 2005 in Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, then routinely after 2005 as published in the journal Multiple Sclerosis. The effect may be very positive and change the […]

Neurology and Child Neurology

attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Development, speech and learning disorders Autism, bipolar and psychotic disorders of childhood Clinical Pharmacology and intoxications Epileptology Tropical Diseases Immunology Multiple Sclerosis Hematopoietic stem cell mobilization treatment for immune diseases and multiple sclerosis (Pre-transplant) Behavioral and sleep disorders Alcohol, drug and substance abuse and addiction Movement disorders, Spasticity, Scoliosis and kyphosis, including botulinum toxin Spasticity, […]

Cognitive Rehabilitation

Reabilitação neuropsicológica

Project Health is a team effort in the mental and physical domains in the care of people with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. This is the recognized format to improve pain, the physical and mental discomfort, and the excessive weight that disturb the life of these people. For those prepared to start changing their lives […]


Neuropsychological evaluation is used to assist psychiatrists, neurologists, speech therapists, teaching and language specialists, in the evaluation of the intelectual and mental state of people who are not performing up to what is expected of them. It is capable of establishing the actual capacity of a given person, and the definition of whether that person […]