Bipolar disorder carries a higher risk of Parkinson disease

Ocrelizumab, teriflunomide and dymethylfumarate

Bipolar disease could be one of the markers of Parkinson’s disease that Neurology and Neuroscience have been looking for. Huang et al completed a study with impressive results about the associations between bipolar disorder and Parkinson’s disease. Although associations between depression and Parkinson had already been proved, this was the first time that a nationwide […]

Parkinsonism and Parkinson’s disease and health care

Parkinsonism and Parkinson's

Parkinsonism and Parkinson’s disease progress, that is, the situation of the patients deteriorate, in relation to the quality of health care and to general health of the patient. A study of 328 patients confirmed this hypothesis in Veteran Affairs units in Nevada and California. A coordinated patient-centered management program was applied to half of the […]

Alzheimer dementia in clinical practice and in real life

Alzheimer disease

The field of Alzheimer dementia has a problem of nomeclature. When somebody says Alzheimer dementia or disease they may be refering to three different entities: the clinical disease, the pathological diagnosis, or amnestic dementias in the elderly. In a recente review the authors did not quite understand where this problem arose. Knopman, Petersen and Jack. […]

Apnea test in brain death determination is safe and simple

Home care e esclerose

The apnea test used for brain death certificationhas been placed into a debate, with regard to whether informed consent is warranted. This discussion on the apnea test appeared because of concerns about associated risks. A study was carried out, following the procedure indicated in the American Academy of Neurology guidelines of 2010. Patients are put […]

REM Sleep Behavior Disorder and Parkinson’s disease

REM Sleep behavior disorder

REM Sleep Behavior Disorder is a loss of muscle atonia which occurs normally during REM sleep. Without the paralysis that is not only normal but necessary, the result is that people act out their dreams to a varying degree. There may be minor muscle twitches, violent moviments and complex behaviours, such as screaming, shouting, kicking, […]

Control of eye movements by the cerebral cortex

doenças do labirinto

Eye movements are controlled by a circuit that is more complex than usual in the central nervous system. Cortical control of conjugate eye movements involves the inferior parietal lobe, the frontal eye field and the dorsolateral pré-frontal córtex. All control the cerebellum and pontine nucleii, via the superior colliculi. When you move your eyes from […]

Microgliopathies and leukoencephalopathy CSF1R-related

The field of leukoencephalopathy received a great boost in interest after the role of microglia-related genes became elucidated. Even still being very rare, they are now more commonly detected in countries where genetic testing is available, usually in the Northern Hemisphere. CSF1R-related leukoencephalopathy has been commoner in Japan. It may add up to 10% of […]

Disorders of consciousness – classification and definition update 2018

Home care e esclerose

The American Academy of Neurology, in conjunction with the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, and the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research, updated recently the AAN 1995 practice parameter on disorders of consciousness, and its 2002 definition of minimally conscious state. The 2 reports are published in Neurology 2018, 91:450-460 and 461-470. […]

Early diagnosis of Alzheimer disease with biomarkers

Rett syndrome

The clinical diagnosis of probable Alzheimer disease has been the rule over the past 50 years. Clinicians identify a typical clinical picture, with progressive memory  and behavioural deterioration, the investigation makes sure there are no other treatable causes, and it remains a probable diagnosis until post-mortem examination confirms it. Even the MRI findings of atrophy, […]

Alzheimer disease and amyloid deposits on MRI and PET scans

Alzheimer disease

Alzheimer disease, or Alzheimer’s in the anglo-saxon world, is commoner in Latin American than in developed nations, and the resources in the continent are lacking in comparison. There is almost no official budget, little epidemiological data, and minimal mental health facilities. Diagnosis is often wrong in the wider field of dementia, as few physcians with […]